full transcript

From the Ted Talk by Jennifer Healey: If cars could talk, accidents might be avoidable

Unscramble the Blue Letters

I think the biggest pelbrom that we face is our own wiilelgsnns to share our data. I think it's a very disconcerting notion, this idea that our cars will be watching us, tnliakg about us to other cars, that we'll be going down the road in a sea of gossip. But I believe it can be done in a way that protects our privacy, just like right now, when I look at your car from the outside, I don't really know about you. If I look at your license ptale number, I don't really know who you are. I believe our cars can talk about us behind our backs.

Open Cloze

I think the biggest _______ that we face is our own ___________ to share our data. I think it's a very disconcerting notion, this idea that our cars will be watching us, _______ about us to other cars, that we'll be going down the road in a sea of gossip. But I believe it can be done in a way that protects our privacy, just like right now, when I look at your car from the outside, I don't really know about you. If I look at your license _____ number, I don't really know who you are. I believe our cars can talk about us behind our backs.


  1. plate
  2. willingness
  3. problem
  4. talking

Original Text

I think the biggest problem that we face is our own willingness to share our data. I think it's a very disconcerting notion, this idea that our cars will be watching us, talking about us to other cars, that we'll be going down the road in a sea of gossip. But I believe it can be done in a way that protects our privacy, just like right now, when I look at your car from the outside, I don't really know about you. If I look at your license plate number, I don't really know who you are. I believe our cars can talk about us behind our backs.

Frequently Occurring Word Combinations

ngrams of length 2

collocation frequency
dead stop 2
reasonable predictions 2
precise idea 2

Important Words

  1. backs
  2. biggest
  3. car
  4. cars
  5. data
  6. disconcerting
  7. face
  8. gossip
  9. idea
  10. license
  11. notion
  12. number
  13. plate
  14. privacy
  15. problem
  16. protects
  17. road
  18. sea
  19. share
  20. talk
  21. talking
  22. watching
  23. willingness